Papua New Guinea Sigri Estate




Papua New Guinea Sigri Estate




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Product description

Notes: Dark chocolate, almond, cedar, earthy, red wine

Origin: Wahgi Valley, Papua New Guinea

Process: Washed

Medium Roast

Description: This fresh crop Papua New Guinea has a bold and syrupy body that finishes with a red wine acidity; ideal for the fall and winter season or as a cold brew. On the table we got strong notes of cedar, dark chocolate, almond, dry red wine, and an aroma of soil after a fresh rainfall. 

Background: Coffees bearing the Sigri name are grown at a minimum of 1550 MASL. Sigri Coffees are washed Arabica coffees and undergo a rigorous wet factory process. Quality control begins in the field; each and every coffee cherry is hand-picked, carefully checked for uniformity, and must be red and fully ripe. This attention to detail when picking the coffee cherry allows for the correct balance of sugar and acid within the cherry. The selected cherry is then pulped on the day of picking (which is rare in Papua New Guinea and the greater Indonesian region). 

At Sigri Estate, the fermentation process takes place over a period of three days and is divided every 24 hours by a washing. This follows a total immersion in water for an additional day. After the 24 hours of submersion, the green coffee goes through a careful conditioning of 21 days followed by hulling, grading, color sorting and finally hand sorting. Each of these steps combined with rigorous quality control before picking produces some of the best green coffee beans from Papua New Guinea.

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